Oxford SciBar

Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events and hear interviews with the guest speakers!

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Subtitle: Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events and hear interviews with the guest speakers!
Summary: The podcast for the Oxfordshire branch of the British Science Association.
Author: oxfordscibar; Category: Science; Explicit: No

Track Listing

Prof Frank Close at Oxford Scibar / The Infinity Puzzle0:52:29128kbps4800048.06 MB
Prof Frank Close, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Oxford explains the personalities behind the search for the Higgs boson
The extraordinary science behind the Higgs boson
keywords: particle physics, Nobel prize, Oxford, Higgs, boson
Oxford SciBar / Feb 20th 2014 SciBar Dr Mike Partridge0:46:12128kbps4800042.31 MB
Within just a year of discovering X-rays in 1895, doctors were experimenting with their use to treat cancer as well as to make images. Today roughly half of all cancer patients receive radiotherapy. But how does radiation treatment work and what is the role in imaging in all of this? Listen to hear Dr Mike Partridge talk about the physics of radiotherapy, how advances in technology have improved it and what further advancements are being worked on today.
Taming the Invisible Rays: Using Radiation to Treat Cancer
keywords: Science, Oxford, OxfordSciBar, British Science Association, Dr Mike Partridge, Radiation, Radiotherapy,Cancer
Oxford SciBar / Feb 26th 2014 SciBar1:13:16128kbps4410067.09 MB
Aging is merely a disease -- and a curable one at that, argues Dr. Aubrey de Grey. His comprehensive plan for rejuvenation therapy breaks aging down into seven major classes and identifies detailed approaches to addressing each one. In this talk, Dr. de Grey will explain why therapies that can add 30 healthy years to the remaining lifespan of typical 60-year-olds may well arrive within the next few decades. Dr. Aubrey de Grey is the Chief Science Officer of SENS Foundation, a biomedical research charity, based in the US and UK, that aims to develop, promote, and ensure widespread access to rej
Aging is merely a disease -- and a curable one at that.
keywords: Oxford, OxfordSciBar, British Science Association, Dr Aubrey de Grey, Aging, SENS, Science
Oxford Scibar / Oxford Scibar: March 20th 2014 Prof Colin Goding - Why Haven't We Cured Cancer?1:08:48128kbps4410063 MB
Around half of people diagnosed with cancer die of the disease, and despite the enormous advances made over recent decades surgery remains the most effective treatment. Prof Colin Goding discusses what the barriers are to effective anti-cancer treatment and how these can be overcome.
Why Haven't We Cured Cancer?
keywords: Science, Oxford, OxfordSciBar, British Science Association, Professor Colin Goding, Cancer, Cure
Oxford SciBar / Chris Lintott and Grant Miller October 2014 Podcast1:03:58128kbps4410058.57 MB
Where do aliens live? We have yet to discover other life in our galaxy, but we have a good idea where it might be! Join us to hear astrophysicists Grant Miller and Chris Lintott(BBC Sky At Night) from the citizen science project Zooniverse to discuss exoplanets and their potential habitability.
Where do aliens live?
keywords: Science, Aliens, Astrophysics, Chris Lintott, Grant Miller, Zooniverse, The Sky At Night, Exoplanets, Oxford, Oxford Scibar
Peter Scarborough / Should we all become vegan to save the planet?1:04:54128kbps4410059.42 MB
Oxfor Scibar Branch of the British Science Association, monthly science in a pub podcast.
should we all become vegan to save the planet?
keywords: climate change, vegan diet, greenhouse gas, public health
Oxford SciBar / Jan 2015 - Professor Chris Ponting1:23:20128kbps4410076.3 MB
In Your DNA - The Evolutionary Journey of your Genome Our evolutionary heritage shared with primates, fish and even bugs is written in our DNA. These 3 billion letters of our 'book of life' were written by evolution over millions, if not billions, of years and are still revealing many surprises.
In Your DNA - The Evolutionary Journey of your Genome
keywords: Science, Oxford, SciBar, British Science Association Oxfordshire Branch, St. Aldates Tavern,
Oxford SciBar / Oxford SciBar February 2015 - An Evening of Science Comedy1:31:26128kbps4410083.72 MB
Scientist, journalist, comedian and author of the quite hilarious Guardian blog Brain Flapping Dean Burnett headlines our first ever science comedy event with his "I'm A Scientist, Get Me Out of Here" show! The evening also featured Alison Woollard, Professor of Biochemistry at Oxford University and self confessed 'Worm Person' as well as Oxford particle physics PhD student and winner of the recent Oxford heat of FameLab, Francesca Day.
Science Comedy with Dean Burnett & Guests
keywords: Science, Oxford, SciBar, Science Comedy, Dean Burnett, Alison Woollard, Francesca Day, Brain Flapping, The Guardian
Oxford SciBar / March 2015 Prof Alison Woollard1:11:06128kbps4410065.11 MB
Welcome to the tiny but well-ordered world of the nematode C. elegans. Professor Alison Woollard of the University of Oxford and presenter of the 2013 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures is a "worm person" - one who seeks answers to some of Life's most fascinating questions using this remarkable "model" organism that has so much to teach us about ourselves. How do we develop from egg to adult? How do our cells know what to do and why must some of them die? How and why do we age? Is there no limit to what you can study using "the worm"?
Worming around for the meaning of life
keywords: oxford scibar, Alison Woollard, Science, Oxford
Adam Levy / Scibar1:06:48128kbps4410061.17 MB
Human-caused global warming has been making headlines for over two decades, but people’s opinions on it often depend on what headlines they’re reading. How is it that a scientific theory has become so politicised? Join us to hear Adam Levy (Nature, University of Oxford; @ClimateAdam), a climate change scientist and YouTuber, discuss the key scientific evidence behind climate change, and explain why perspectives on climate change shouldn’t be a matter of belief
climate change; atmospheric physics
keywords: climate change, @ClimateAdam, public debate
Dr Ciara McCabe / Neuroscience of depression1:14:47128kbps4410068.48 MB
How can we use chocolate to understand the neurobiology of depression? Join us to hear Dr Ciara McCabe discuss how we investigate reward function in the human brain and how this is related to depression. Find out how this information can help explain why current medications might not be working and how, with neuroscience, we aim to develop better, targeted personalised treatments for depression.
Chocolate and the Neurobiology of Depression
keywords: psychopharmacology, neuroimaging, psychiatric disorders, chocolate
Oxford SciBar / Septemer 2015 - Dr Martin Graff0:59:06128kbps4410054.12 MB
Are there gender differences in attraction? What are we looking for in a potential mate? Can you find someone attractive online? What other features make us more or less attractive? Listen to hear Dr Martin Graff, Reader and Head of Research in Psychology at the University of South Wales examine some of the research on romantic attraction and why attraction is important to us.
The Psychology of Romantic Attraction
keywords: Oxford SciBar, Science, Oxford, Dr Martin Graff, Science of Attraction, Psychology of romance
Oxford SciBar / Oxford SciBar Podcast Nov 2015 - Dr Helen Scales: 'Spirals in Time'0:00:16192kbps44100385.43 KB
In her latest book, Spirals in Time, as featured on BBC Radio 4's Book of the Week, marine biologist Dr Helen Scales uncovers the secret lives of the animals that make sea shells (the molluscs) and ponders how people have used their shells for millenina as everything from sex symbols and money, to the inspiration behind new materials and medicines. Helen delves into the fascinating science of shells and molluscs, including stories of how researchers finally solved the mystery of how so many beautiful shells are made. Come along to hear about some of the latest discoveries emerging from thi
Dr Helen Scales - Spirals in Time
keywords: Oxford SciBar, Science, Oxford, Dr Helen Scales, Spirals in Time, Seashells, Marine Biology
Oxford SciBar / March 2016 Podcast - Prof Susan Jebb: Nutrition1:20:23128kbps4410073.6 MB
A poor diet is the leading cause of ill-health in the UK yet it is also one of the most contested areas of science. Is eating less saturated fat or sugar the most important factor or would the problems be solved if we ate more fruit and vegetables?. ​Join us to hear Prof Susan Jebb, Professor of Diet and Population Health at the University of Oxford discuss what we know about nutrition and ask the question: once we know the theory of a healthy diet, how can we help more people to achieve the practice - education or taxation?. - See more at: http://www.oxfordscibar.com/#sthash.vraG75QP.dpu
A poor diet is the leading cause of ill-health in the UK yet it is also one of the most contested areas of science.
keywords: Science, Oxford, Events, Oxford SciBar, British Science Association, Susan Jebb, Sugar Tax, Nutrition, Diet,
Oxford Scibar / April 20161:42:18128kbps4410093.67 MB
Science and medicine have transformed our lives immeasurably, and never in history have they been more central to our lives and well-being. Yet despite this, there is often a glaring disconnect between the findings of actual science and media reporting of such topics, and consequently there is often a chasm between public perception and the evidence on many contentious topics. This can lead to needlessly adversarial and counter-productive discourse of everything from vaccination to climate-change. In this talk, physicist and science journalist Dr. David Robert Grimes discusses the frequent pro
David Grimes - science reporting
keywords: statistics, science journalism, media reporting
Oxford SciBar / May 20161:23:40128kbps4410076.61 MB
Vector-borne diseases are transmitted to humans through another living organism, such as malaria via the mosquito. This type of disease accounts for roughly 17% of all disease and causes nearly a million deaths annually. In this talk Prof Michael Bonsall will discuss vector-borne diseases, how we might control them and how maths and modern genetics might help. He will also provide some recent insights from work in the Zoology Department in Oxford on the unfolding Zika epidemic in the Americas. http://www.oxfordscibar.com/may-2016
Vector Borne Disease Control
keywords: Oxford SciBar, British Science Association, Mike Bonsall, Vector Borne Disease, Zica, Malaria, Oxford, Science
Oxford SciBar / June 2016 Podcast0:54:00128kbps4410049.45 MB
Since the mid-nineteenth century, three species of bumblebee in the British Isles have gone extinct, and several other species have become so rare that they are at risk of extinction. In this talk, Dr Darren Jeffers will discuss the causes of the decline in British bumblebees; their key role in pollination; how we might reverse the losses and the likely effects of climate change. He will also share the results of some recent research using museum specimens of extinct species and proffers the question: Can we learn anything from these dusty depositories of ecological data to aid the conservation effort?
Where Have All The Bumblebees Gone?
keywords: Oxford SciBar, British Science Association, Dr Darren Jeffers, Bees, Bumblebees, Oxford, Science
SciBar / SciBar- Journeys in an Expanding Universe1:24:0391787.74410055.19 MB
This month's SciBar brings you talks by astronomers about exploring the mysteries of our Universe. recorded on 29th of July 2016.
Talks from Astronomers and Astrophysicists
keywords: science, physics, talks, astronomy, pub-talk, Universe, entertainment, LSST
/ Immortality projects: how death drives everything0:49:53256kbps4410091.37 MB
For many years, psychologists have considered the fear of death as a central motivating factor in human behaviour and achievement. However, only for the past 30 years have psychologists tested these ideas empirically and experimentally. Dr Jonathan Jong (University of Oxford, Coventry University) evaluates the claim that death drives human behaviour, focusing in particular on religion.

/ SciBar Nov: What functional brain imaging does and does not show?1:14:5548kbps2205025.73 MB
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) produces images of the human brain at work. These are both beautiful and alluring. This means that it is easy to over-interpret them; and unfortunately the media frequently succeed in doing so. Professor Richard Passingham (Emeritus Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford) explains what scans do not show and then illustrates what they can show by asking an everyday question: why it is bad to use a mobile while driving?

Simon Butt / Has your brain developed normally? 0:51:3956kbps3200020.7 MB
Most people have what society regards as a ‘normal’ brain. How does this come about? Traditionally this can be thought of as a nature versus nurture argument with genetics directing the construction of a normal brain that is then receptive to environment influences. Prof Simon Butt (University of Oxford) will talk about a recently discovered scaffold in the developing brain that acts to constrain the impact of environment, highlighting how neurodevelopment can inform our understanding of normal behaviour.

Pedro Ferreira / The Perfect Theory: a century of geniuses and the battle over general relativity1:15:5156kbps3200030.39 MB
​Einstein’s theory of general relativity is possibly the most perfect intellectual achievement of modern physics. For almost a century now, physicists have been delving into Einstein’s theory, seeking an understanding of the history of the universe, the origin of time, and the evolution of solar systems, stars, and galaxies. Professor of Astrophysics Pedro Ferreira (University of Oxford) will tell us about the expanding universe, black holes and gravitational waves, and how general relativity has allowed scientists’ imaginations to take flight with new possibilities, revealing a univer

SciBar / Professor Anna Gloyn: Type 2 Diabetes - a global crisis gets personal0:56:40128kbps3200051.9 MB
Type 2 diabetes is the epidemic of the 21st Century. There are 415 million people living with diabetes worldwide, and 90 per cent of them have Type 2. It’s increasing, costly and life-changing. Diabetes is the single largest cause of amputations, stroke, blindness and kidney failure. So are we doing enough to prevent it? Can we use our understanding of genetics to improve treatment and care? Professor Anna Gloyn (Oxford Centre for Diabetes Endocrinology & Metabolism and Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford) shares her view.

keywords: put-some-keywords-here
SciBAr / Dr Jennifer Coopersmith: Margaret Thatcher, lego, and the principle of least ac1:03:09128kbps3200057.83 MB
Find out with Dr Jennifer Coopersmith (Honorary Research Associate, University of La Trobe, Australia) how the Principle of Least Action is radically different from all that went before.

/ 1:07:07128kbps3200061.46 MB
Oxford Scibar: presented by Prof Sophie Scott, on laughter and communication.

keywords: science,talks, laughter, communication,

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