Oxford SciBar Podcast 2011

Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events in Oxford plus interviews with the guest speakers!

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Subtitle: Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events in Oxford plus interviews with the guest speakers!
Summary: The podcast from the monthly SciBar events presented by the Oxfordshire branch of the British Science Association
Author: Oxford SciBar; Category: Science; Explicit: No

Track Listing

Oxford SciBar / December 2011 SciBar - Frank Swain: "How to make a zombie"1:06:20128kbps4410060.74 MB
From Italian galvanisers to Russian reanimators, join science writer and journalist Frank Swain as he takes us on a tour of the most iconoclastic pursuit in science: attempts to raise the dead! From its clumsy origins in Renaissance Europe to its refinement in modern science, you’ll meet the heretics, witchdoctors, mind-controllers and ultimately, the scientists quietly breaking down the frontiers of death. Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / July 2011 SciBar - Dr Evan Harris "Evidence Based Policy"1:34:02128kbps4410086.09 MB
Dr Evan Harris ex MP and guardian political science writer discusses the issues involved in evidence based policy and why we are still waiting for government to adopt the practise. Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / November 2011 SciBar - Prof Frank Close: "Neutrino"0:53:321710434800065.51 MB
Theoretical physicist at Oxford university Professor Frank Close sheds some more light on those curious particles: Neutrinos What are they and why does nature need them? Neutrinos are some of the most enigmatic particles in the universe. Listen to Professor Frank Close give an account of the discovery of neutrinos and our growing understanding of their significance. Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / October 2011 SciBar - Russell Stannard: The End of Discovery1:00:28128kbps4410055.37 MB
Prof Russell Stannard, author, physicist and broadcaster will discuss his latest book, The End of Discovery: are we approaching the boundaries of the knowable? It is generally thought that science, by its very nature, must always progress. But this is not so. One day, fundamental science will come to an end. Not when we have discovered everything, but when we have discovered whatever is open to us to understand - which is not the same thing. Limitations as to what the human brain can comprehend, together with practical considerations to do with the need for ever more elaborate and expensive equipment, are likely to ensure that our knowledge will remain for ever incomplete.

Oxford SciBar / August 2011 SciBar - Dr Jim Baggot: "The Quantum Story"0:57:18128kbps4410052.47 MB
Utterly beautiful and profoundly disconcerting. Quantum theory is the most successful account of the physical universe ever devised. Listen to hear Jim Baggott discuss the stories, personalities and the rivalries.

Oxford SciBar / September 2011 SciBar Prof Peter Atkins "On Being"0:48:5883731.14410029.33 MB
Peter Atkins explores the themes and questions posed by his book "On Being: A Scientists exploration of the great questions of existence" for the Oxford SciBar.

Oxford SciBar / June 2011 SciBar - Dr Ed Hutchison: "Bacteria and Viruses"0:50:12128kbps4410045.97 MB
A microscopic zoo inhabits our bodies. Some things in it do us good, some hurt us, but most we never even notice. In June Dr Ed Hutchinson's talk "Bacteria and viruses: getting to know your closest companions" discussed the microscopic zoo that inhabits our bodies covering what they are, what they do and what we can do about them. Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / May 2011 SciBar - Dr Zena Kamash: "Is Archaeology a Science?"1:13:05128kbps4410066.92 MB
In May Dr Zena Kamash's talk "Is archaeology a science?" covered the techniques and methods of archaeological excavation, analysis and interpretation and explored whether these methods can be considered "scientific". Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / April 2011 SciBar - Dr Jim Caryl: "Good drugs and bad bugs"1:03:0596kbps4410043.32 MB
In April, Dr Jim Caryl spoke about the antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in the environment and clinical settings. Enjoy!


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