Oxford SciBar Podcast 2013

Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events in Oxford plus interviews with the guest speakers!

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Subtitle: Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events in Oxford plus interviews with the guest speakers!
Summary: The podcast from the monthly SciBar events presented by the Oxfordshire branch of the British Science Association. For more information about us and our events please check out our website www.oxfordscibar.com
Author: Oxford SciBar; Category: Science; Explicit: No

Track Listing

Oxford SciBar / Jan 2013 SciBar - Dr Sonia Contera: "Is nanotechnology the future of medicine?"0:52:45192kbps4800072.47 MB
Dr Sonia Contera discuss the emerging and exciting field of nanomedicine and what nanotechnology holds for the future of medicine.

Dr. Joey O'Gorman / February 2013 Oxford SciBar Podcast: Dr Joey O'Gorman - Creativity and Science1:09:09128kbps4410063.32 MB
Dr.Joey O'Gorman discusses several issues at the interface of art and science and asks the pertinent question: 'Where is the Art in Science?'
February SciBar
keywords: art, science
/ 1:00:05128kbps4410055.02 MB
Dr Jim Bennett talks about the future of science museums in Oxford.

keywords: museums, Oxford, history, science
Oxford Scibar / April 2013 Oxford SciBar Podcast: Professor Michael Trimble - Why Humans Cry0:53:21128kbps4800048.84 MB
Humans are the only species that likes to weep for emotional reasons, but why is crying unique to humanity? Professor Michael Trimble explains when in our evolutionary journey we first recognised the tragedy of life.

Oxford SciBar / Interview with Dr Mike Goldsmith0:12:53128kbps4800011.8 MB
An interview with our August speaker, Dr Mike Goldsmith, on the battle between people and noise - a battle that has changed our lives and moulded our societies.

Oxford SciBar / May 14th Podcast Sean O'Heigeartaigh: The Future of Human Evolution1:19:14128kbps4800072.55 MB
In May we were delighted to be part of the inaugural Pint of Science Festival, where we hosted a series of talks focused on the body. The first of these talks was by Dr Sean O'Heigeartaigh who spoke about how evolution created who we are today, and what might be in store for us as a species in the future. As we come closer to the stage where we can radically after both our bodies and our minds, could technologies such as genetic engineering, informatics and brain emulation redefine what it means to be human in the coming century.

Oxford SciBar / Prof Chris Schofield - Oxford Oxygen Stories1:09:11128kbps4800063.35 MB
In May we were delighted to be part of the inaugural Pint of Science Festival, where we hosted a series of talks focused on the body. The second of these talks was with Prof Chris Schofield who told us Oxford oxygen stories! How did the discovery of penicillin lead to an understanding of how we survive in high altitude, how cells sense oxygen and why it is linked to tumour growth as well as why "identical" twins are different.

Oxford SciBar / May 2013 SciBar - Prof Charles Spence: "The senses and the body"1:12:10128kbps4800066.07 MB
Do you know which body is yours? Do you ever confuse your left and right? Prof. Charles Spence, Head of the Crossmodal Research Lab at Oxford University took us on a tour of the latest findings from psychology and neuroscience concerning the body in the brain, and the role of what we see in what we feel. Find out how bodily illusions can cool you down, and even reduce swelling.

Oxford SciBar / June SciBar: Astrobiology - The Hunt For Alien Life0:58:44128kbps4800053.77 MB
Astrobiology explores the origins and limits of life and where life might exist beyond Earth. But what is "life" and how did it emerge on our own world? Where in the cosmos might we expect to find ET? Dr Lewis Dartnell takes us on a tour of other planets and moons in our solar system, and even further afield to alien worlds we've discovered orbiting distant stars to explore one of the greatest questions ever asked: Are we alone??

Oxford SciBar / June 26th 2013 Coffee and Cancer0:52:42128kbps4800048.25 MB
How do we know whether something causes or cures cancer? The pivotal figure was Sir Austin Bradford Hill - he taught us how to think about cancer, he set up the first randomised clinical trials and left a legacy in Oxford that continues to lead the world today. Listen to Dr Martin Christlieb and Dr Ruth Travis to find out how cancer works and how Oxford is continuing to uncover what should and shouldn't cause concern.

Oxford Scibar & Dr Anne Osterrieder / July 2013 - Of cells, plants and jellyfish0:53:45128kbps4410049.22 MB
Join us to hear Dr. Anne Osterrieder take us through the complex and dynamic makings of a plant cell...

Oxford SciBar / October 2013 SciBar - Dr Frances Ashcroft: The Spark of Life0:51:50128kbps4800047.47 MB
Electricity in the Human Body How does a heart beat and can someone really die of fright? The answers to these questions lie in electrical signals that are essential to everything we do. Professor Frances Ashcroft will explain how these signals are produced and how they govern every aspect of life. From your ability to see and hear to how your brain and muscles work - we truly are the body electric!

Oxford SciBar / November 2013 SciBar - Dr Harry Witchel: Can Body Language Save The World?1:25:56128kbps4800078.69 MB
Can you tell when someone is attracted to you, but dare not say so? Does music have the power to change us physically? Do students really cough more during lectures they don't like? Dr Harry Witchel will introduce us to all the subtle ways we communicate with our body

Oxford SciBar / December 2013 SciBar - Dr Andrew Wilkinson: Facts & Fiction of Forensic Science0:54:44128kbps4800050.12 MB
Dr Andrew Wilkinson was the speaker at our December SciBar, speaking about the facts and fiction of Forensic Science. It has been glamorised in movies and on TV but what is it really like to be a Forensic Scientist? Dr Andrew Wilkinson will take us through a day in the life of a forensic medical examiner. Will it be all blue lights and mirrored sunglasses?


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