Oxford SciBar Podcast 2012

Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events in Oxford plus interviews with the guest speakers!

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Subtitle: Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events in Oxford plus interviews with the guest speakers!
Summary: The podcast from the monthly SciBar events presented by the Oxfordshire branch of the British Science Association. For more information about us and our events please check out our website www.oxfordscibar.com
Author: oxfordscibar; Category: Science; Explicit: No

Track Listing

Oxford SciBar / Jan 2012 SciBar - Dr Robin Owen: "The Diamond light Source"0:55:02128kbps4410050.4 MB
Dr Robin Owen tells us all about what the Diamond Light Source is and what science is going on there.

Oxford SciBar / Feb 2012 SciBar - Prof Colin Blakemore: "The war on drugs"1:26:05128kbps4410078.82 MB
Professor of Neuroscience Colin Blakemore hosts a lively discussion on 'the war on drugs'

Oxford SciBar / March 2012 SciBar - Dr Katie Warnaby: " Pain: Is it all in the brain?"0:52:30128kbps3200048.08 MB
Dr Kate Warnaby, researcher in the Pain Imaging Neuroscience Group at the University of Oxford discusses pain. Is it all in the brain and once it becomes chronic does it really serve any purpose? Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / April 2012 SciBar - Jocelyn Bell Burnell - "The End of the World in 2012?"1:01:0164kbps2205027.94 MB
Many people believe that te ending of the Mayan calendar on 21st December 2012 predicts the end of our world. Professor Jocelyn Bell Burnell examinde the various astronomical explanations used to support this contention. Should we be worried? And what does the hype tell us about science and society? Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / May 2012 SciBar - Dr Jan-Emmanuel De Neve: "Happiness: causes and consequences"1:00:59192kbps4410083.76 MB
Dr Jan-Emmanuel De Neve was speaker at our SciBar on Thursday 17th May. Is there a happiness gene? Does money buy you happiness? These questions and more were explored when Dr Jan-Emmanuel De Neve discussed his research which attempts to address the causes and consequences of happiness. Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / June 2012 SciBar - Dr Jan Zalasiewicz & Dr Mark Williams "The Goldilocks Planet"1:07:22192kbps4410092.53 MB
Global climate and weather patterns are changing, but how far and fast will this change be? Join us to hear Jan Zalasiewicz and Mark Williams discuss how the Earth's climate has altered over its dramatic history. Yet, the Earth has remained habitable for over three billion years - in contrast to its planetary neighbours. What can this long history tell us about the future? Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / July 2012 SciBar - Prof Chris Cooper: "The science behind drugs in sport"0:55:54128kbps4410051.18 MB
Drugs in sport are big news and the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport is common. Prof Chris Cooper will discuss the science behind drugs in sport. What are the limits of human performance and how does doping work? Find out how athletes have cheated in the past, and what the future holds. Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / August 2012 SciBar - Dr Alex Richardson: "Getting the fats right"1:24:5697156.84410059.04 MB
Food affects our mood, attention and other aspects of mental health. Join us to hear Dr Alex Richardson discuss how nutrition, particularly fatty acids, can affect behaviour, learning and mood. We are what we eat, listen along to find out why! Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / Sept 2012 SciBar - Prof Chris Summerfield: "Seeing is believing"0:59:53128kbps4410054.83 MB
We perceive the world as a rich and detailed tapestry of shapes, colours and objects. But research suggests that much of our visual perception is an illusion - constructed from our hopes and expectations. Join us to hear Prof Chris Summerfield discuss how our own experience impacts on what we see. Enjoy!

Oxford SciBar / October 2012 SciBar - Prof Marian Stamp Dawkins: "Why animals matter"1:09:01128kbps4410063.19 MB
Can we project human emotions on to animals? What can science tell us about their quality of life? Join us to find out why animals matter and why we need a rethink on animal welfare in order for it to be taken seriously. Enjoy!


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