Oxford SciBar Podcast 2014

Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events in Oxford plus interviews with the guest speakers!

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Subtitle: Listen to the talks from our monthly SciBar events in Oxford plus interviews with the guest speakers!
Summary: The podcast from the monthly SciBar events presented by the Oxfordshire branch of the British Science Association. For more information about us and our events please check out our website www.oxfordscibar.com
Author: oxfordscibar; Category: Science; Explicit: No

Track Listing

Prof Frank Close at Oxford Scibar / The Infinity Puzzle0:52:29128kbps4800048.06 MB
Prof Frank Close, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Oxford explains the personalities behind the search for the Higgs boson

Oxford SciBar / Feb 20th 2014 SciBar Dr Mike Partridge0:46:12128kbps4800042.31 MB
Within just a year of discovering X-rays in 1895, doctors were experimenting with their use to treat cancer as well as to make images. Today roughly half of all cancer patients receive radiotherapy. But how does radiation treatment work and what is the role in imaging in all of this? Listen to hear Dr Mike Partridge talk about the physics of radiotherapy, how advances in technology have improved it and what further advancements are being worked on today.

Oxford SciBar / Feb 26th 2014 SciBar1:13:16128kbps4410067.09 MB
Aging is merely a disease -- and a curable one at that, argues Dr. Aubrey de Grey. His comprehensive plan for rejuvenation therapy breaks aging down into seven major classes and identifies detailed approaches to addressing each one. In this talk, Dr. de Grey will explain why therapies that can add 30 healthy years to the remaining lifespan of typical 60-year-olds may well arrive within the next few decades. Dr. Aubrey de Grey is the Chief Science Officer of SENS Foundation, a biomedical research charity, based in the US and UK, that aims to develop, promote, and ensure widespread access to rej

Oxford Scibar / Oxford Scibar: March 20th 2014 Prof Colin Goding - Why Haven't We Cured Cancer?1:08:48128kbps4410063 MB
Around half of people diagnosed with cancer die of the disease, and despite the enormous advances made over recent decades surgery remains the most effective treatment. Prof Colin Goding discusses what the barriers are to effective anti-cancer treatment and how these can be overcome.

Oxford SciBar / Chris Lintott and Grant Miller October 2014 Podcast1:03:58128kbps4410058.57 MB
Where do aliens live? We have yet to discover other life in our galaxy, but we have a good idea where it might be! Join us to hear astrophysicists Grant Miller and Chris Lintott(BBC Sky At Night) from the citizen science project Zooniverse to discuss exoplanets and their potential habitability.

Peter Scarborough / Should we all become vegan to save the planet?1:04:54128kbps4410059.42 MB
Oxfor Scibar Branch of the British Science Association, monthly science in a pub podcast.

Oxford Scibar / Prof Alex Halliday - The Origins of the Moon1:53:15128kbps44100103.68 MB
The Moon is thought to have formed in the final stages of Earth’s formation, from the debris associated with a major collision between the proto-Earth and another Mars-sized planet sometimes called Theia. Although this “Giant Impact” model is widely accepted, increasingly there are aspects of the Moon’s composition that appear inconsistent. ​New evidence also casts doubt to the theory that Earth’s water and other volatile elements were added after the Moon’s fiery start. Join us to hear Prof Alex Halliday (Dept of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford) discuss the potential origins of the Moon and why we don’t have a self consistent model to explain its origins.
The Origins of the Moon - Prof Alex Halliday Description:
keywords: oxford, scibar, moon, isotopes, geoscience
SciBar / Biological rythms1:03:25256kbps44100116.12 MB
The earth's daily rotation affects just about every living creature. From dawn to dusk, there are changes in light, temperature, humidity and rainfall. In this podcast a biologist and author Leon Kreitzman discusses light, metabolism, human health and the seasons, and explain how organisms can "know" the time and reveal what we now understand of the nature and operation of chronobiological processes.
Rhythms of Life: biological clocks
keywords: biology, science, clocks, science communication, circadian rhythms

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